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Next.js is a React framework. Yes, React already is a library for JS. So it's already an extra layer on top of JS
Design Patterns
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design.
Object Oriented Programming and OOP in Javascript
OOP concepts and it's implementation in Javascript.
Electron is a framework for building desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
My notes about Javascript, i'll split this page later
Let's say that these are my notes about Typescript.
This article explores the concepts of authentication and authorization, comparing JWT and session-based authentication methods. Learn how each method works, their advantages, and their potential security risks.
React is the javascript library for web and native user interfaces
Next.js framework
Next.js is a React framework. Yes, React already is a library for JS. So it's already an extra layer on top of JS